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August 1, 2024

"Exhibitions" – Criteria to Meet for the American EB-1 Visa

The EB-1A visa is suitable for people with extraordinary abilities in science, art, education, business, or athletics. A candidate applying for an EB-1 visa to the United States will need to meet at least three of the ten criteria. One of the criteria suitable primarily for cultural and artistic figures is the display of the applicant's works at art exhibitions or showcases. It is intended to prove the applicant's high qualifications through the relevance of his creative works.

To meet this criterion for an EB-1 visa, the following evidence must be provided:

1. Authorship of the works.

The creative work must be fully or mostly completed by the applicant.

  • Copyright documents
  • Sources of the work
  • Evidence of work promotion
  • Publications in the media
  • Trading records

2. Fact of the demonstration of works at the event

It must be evident that the applicant's works were actually displayed at the exhibition.

  • Certificate of the event participant
  • Invitation or gratitude
  • Correspondence with the organizers
  • Commercial documents
  • Articles in the media
  • Photos
  • Letters of recommendation
3.  Relevance of the exhibition space

USCIS designates it as follows: whether there were venues (virtual or otherwise) where a person's work was displayed at art exhibitions or showcases. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines an exhibition as a public display (of works of art, manufactured items, or sporting prowess).

  • Articles in the media
  • Website of the exhibition space
  • Photos
  • Information about previous events
  • Information about other participants
  • Explanatory note

Examples of appropriate exhibitions for an EB-1 visa in the USA
  • Personal exhibition
    Demonstration of creative works by one artist. It is often considered as an important stage in the artist's career and testifies to his ability to create works worthy of public display.
  • Group exhibition
    Participation in group exhibitions demonstrates the artist's ability to collaborate with colleagues and make a unique contribution to the overall artistic dialogue.
  • Exhibition and competition
    The artist's works are evaluated by a group of professionals. An invitation to such exhibitions confirms the artist's talent and his compliance with recognized standards of art.
  • Exhibition by invitation
    Such exhibitions indicate that curators and organizers are interested in and appreciate the artist's work.
  • Commercial gallery
    The exhibition in commercial galleries highlights the financial potential and attractiveness of the artist for collectors and art connoisseurs.
  • Museum exhibition
    Participation in exhibitions held in museums is of great importance, as it indicates recognition by institutions engaged in the preservation and promotion of culture and art.

Essential points

1. The description of the projects and your participation in them should be simple and clear for USCIS officers who may not master the details of your work.

2. Make sure that the documents provided for the EB-1 visa not only evidence your participation in the exhibition but also emphasize the importance of your contribution to the development of art and its recognition in the professional community.

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