Passeport Talent France

Passeport Talent renommée nationale / internationale is a visa for internationally renowned professionals or people known nationally.

Who Can Apply?

This visa has no focus or emphasis on IT, so it’s open for any outstanding professional.

Any professionals recognized in their own country or on an international level can apply for this visa. The list includes:
Start-up founders with high business results
Designers of all disciplines with a proven portfolio
Artists, musicians, actors, writers, athletes, and winners and laureates of national and international competitions, prizes, and contests
Prominent figures in international professional associations with recognized status
Top managers if they have additional achievements (authored courses at universities or talent support programs or named patents and technologies)
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Enjoy the Following Opportunities:

Work remotely in France for another country as well as for a local company
Access to free education for your children
Public health insurance
Apply for citizenship after 5 years of residence in France. In addition to showing that you have spent most of your time in the country, you must also submit tax returns and pass a language test at the level B1 at least
Attend free language schools for immigrants
Exchange your foreign driving license for the French one free of charge and without having to go to driving school
Freedom to travel within the EU
Apply for visas for any country (USA, UK, etc.) in France

Mandatory Expenses:

Proof of sufficient funds for the first year of living in France:
Need a minimum of €2000 per person per month + €1250 for your partner
Other expenses:
Consular fee of €99
Residence permit card in France — €225

What You Can Enjoy with Relogate

Full assessment of your chances of being granted this visa
We'll take charge of gathering evidence of your international and national recognition as an expert: media publications, speeches, conferences, mentoring, podcasts, and more
If necessary, we'll do additional work on your public profile
All evidence will be formed into a single database where the examiners will immediately see that you are a visa-eligible talent
We’ll ensure that all the necessary documents are translated into French and your case is fully ready to be submitted to the consulate
What is worth understanding about this visa: there are no templates or guides for applying and collecting a profile for it. The state does not declare or tell you what you have to show when you apply.

The bigger the case and the more evidence there is, the better the chances of getting accepted. Therefore, every case and every submission is unique and unparalleled. Our experience allows us to compile the most compliant dossier possible and obtain this visa

How Long Does It Take?

Relogate Timeline:
On average, it takes us 4-6 weeks to prepare the complete dossier and submit it to the consulate
Consulate Timeline:
The time limit is not clearly defined, but it is usually a maximum of 2 months. In the case of additional requests for documents, the deadline may be extended

The Cost of Our Services

Fixed rate: €4900 in a single payment 
Additional case preparation for your family members is free
Passeport talent profession artistique et culturelle is a visa for creative people in creative professions.

Who can apply?

This visa is suitable for people in creative professions who can show their portfolio and prove that they have substantial achievements in the creative field. It is important to show that you want to start a new project related to France. For example, write a cookbook about local food, make a travel blog about the country, write a book related to the history of the country, and so on. The visa is excellent for:
Art historians
In the last few months, we have secured visas for a tattoo artist and even a chef!
Learn your chances

Enjoy the Following Opportunities:

Work remotely in France for another country as well as for a local company
Access to free education for your children
Public health insurance
Apply for citizenship after 5 years of residence in France. In addition to showing that you have spent most of your time in the country, you must also submit tax returns and pass a language test at the level B1 at least
Attend free language schools for immigrants
Freedom to travel within the EU

Mandatory Expenses:

Proof of sufficient funds for the first year of living in France:
Need a minimum of €2000 per person per month + €1250 for your partner
Other expenses:
Consular fee of €99
Residence permit card in France — €225

What You Can Enjoy with Relogate®

Full assessment of your chances of being granted this visa
All evidence will be formed into a single database where the examiners will immediately see that you are a visa-eligible talent
If necessary, we’ll do additional enhancement of your public profile, gathering missing documents (posters, publications, speeches) into a complete dossier
We’ll ensure that all the necessary documents are translated into French and your case is fully ready to be submitted to the consulate
In addition, we’ll assist with any project arguments and localization

How Long Does It Take?

Relogate Timeline:
On average, it takes us 4-6 weeks to prepare the complete dossier and submit it to the consulate
Consulate Timeline:
The time limit is not clearly defined, but it is usually a maximum of 2 months. In the case of additional requests for documents, the deadline may be extended

The Cost of Our Services

Fixed rate: €4900 in a single payment
Additional case preparation for your family members is free
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This visa includes two categories.

Passeport talent projet innovant reconnu par organisme publique — is a visa for people and teams who want to launch their new innovative project in France. The project's business plan must be approved by a French government agency or a Start-Up Incubator. There are no investment requirements to obtain this visa. A business plan and planned sources of funding must be shown.

Passeport talent création d'entreprise — is a visa for people and teams who want to launch their new project in France and are willing to invest from €30,000 to do so.

Who can apply?

Founder and the key project team
Learn your chances

Main requirements for the "Projet innovant reconnu par organisme publique" visa:

The difficulty here: you need approval of the start-up project from one of the French business incubators. You must have:
MVP of the project, not just the idea of it
Presentation of the project, CVs of the founders and key team members. You need to clearly present a project that you are going to establish in France. These documents are sent to incubators for a project approval for a share (10-15%). Incubators can be the first investors in the project
Important: if the formal requirements for the founders are met and the project is approved, the visa is granted with almost 100% probability.

However, you will be obliged to report to the supporting Incubator of the progress of the project as they will have a stake. In order to extend the residence permit in the future, you will need confirmation from the Incubator that the project is progressing.

Main requirements for a "création d'entreprise" visa

With this type of project, you will need to invest at least €30,000. Approval for the project must come not from an incubator but from the French Ministry of Economy.

A project has to be set up first, invested and only then applied for a visa.

The only difference in the visas is their project-based conditions. Otherwise, they are identical.

This Visa opens the following opportunities:
Sending children to free state schools
Get public health insurance
Apply for citizenship after 5 years of residence in France. It is sufficient to show and prove that you have spent most of your time in the country, you must also submit tax returns and pass a language test— level B1 at least
Attend free language schools for immigrants
Change your Russian driving licence to a French one free of charge and without having to go to a driving school
Free to travel within the EU, but important not to stay in other countries for more than 90 days in 180 days
Apply for visas for any country (USA, UK, rest of the world) in France

Mandatory expenses:

Proof of sufficient funds for the first year of living in France:
Need a minimum of €2000 per person per month + €1250 for partner
Other expenses:
Consular fee €99
Residence permit card in France — €225

What our services include:

We assess, draft and rewrite the business plan, adjust it to a format approved by incubators or a government agency
We collect and translate the whole package of documents:
Diplomas for all team members
Feedback on your other projects
Advice from specialists
Linking all documents and your project to France to get approval from the state agency and/or a start-up Incubator
Submitting documents to the local French authority
Accompany you and your team all the way, from the preparation of documents to post-movement domestic issues

How long does it take us to prepare your case?

All projects for this type of visa are unique and the work cannot be standardised. During and after the consultation, our team will prepare a plan to work on your specific case and tell you about the chances and deadlines

The cost of our services:

The cost is discussed individually and depends on the number of founders, the degree of readiness of the project and its subject matter
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Have any questions? Not sure if you’re eligible? Need more info on the visa? Contact our expert directly to get all the answers.


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